Healthy snacking

Healthy snacking tips to get you started!

There are so many views on how we should eat, how often and when, that we are left in a confused state. We have found that every person is so different that what has worked for a friend may not be suitable for you. It is experimenting with foods and ways of eating that we have discovered what works for us. 

Our advice to you if you are looking for ways to improve your eating habits and lose weight, is to eat three meals and two snacks a day. There are many scientifically proven benefits to intermittent fasting (we both spent 6 months trialling the 5:2), however the sure way to become frazzled and irritable due to low blood sugar levels (the last thing you want when your children are tired and hungry too!) is not to keep refuelled.

It is with this in mind that we have included some quick snack ideas for busy lives to get you started. These are also suitable for children. Remember to plan and shop for these things once a week.

  • Oatcakes with nut butter

Most supermarkets stock oatcakes, (Nairn’s offer a gluten free option). The nut butter is not as easy to locate, and you want to make sure there is no added sugar in any nut butters. We sometimes buy Whole earth peanut butter (on offer in Asda for the month of September £2.00 for organic), but we prefer to use Meridian almond, cashew or peanut butter as these are purely blended nuts (you can make your own if you have a very good blender). Sainsbury's and all health shops stock Meridian nut butters.   

  • Rice cakes

Rice cakes are so easy to buy and consume. They are a fantastic snack. You can top them with Edam cheese slices and a sliced boiled egg, nut butters, hummus, banana, a scrape of cream cheese and cucumber etc.. You can find rice cakes in all supermarkets and own brands are usually cheaper. Avoid flavoured types which have unnatural preservatives added, Lightly salted or unsalted are the best (If you are eating 90% naturally you will not have a problem with too much salt). 

  • Unsalted nuts

Buy and consume a variety of different nuts and you will be guaranteed to be providing your body with a whole host of amazing nutrients. Nuts are an excellent source of protein and fibre making them filling and best for reducing cravings. The range of vitamins and minerals makes nuts a natural super snack (includes vitamin E: keeping our skin, hair and nails beautiful). The fats contained in nuts are important for the brain and heart (recent studies suggest that low fat diets have resulted in more dementia). About 28g of nuts per day (the amount that fits into the palm of your hand) is advisable. They are high in calories  - which may be why they have been given a bad reputation - we advise you to use them to replace unhealthy snacks. 

Aldi stock many different types of nuts and seem to be the least expensive place to buy - cashews, brazils, walnuts and almonds. Macadamia and pecans can be found in most supermarkets. It is helpful to mix them with some sunflower/pumpkin seeds in a small pot to travel with you on the go. 

Keep checking our blog for new quick healthy recipes, and you can also subscribe by adding your email to the bottom of our blog page and receive our free food plan to help you on your way to joie de vivre!

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